GM Nameplate

Setting the Stage for Success

GM Nameplate is well-established in the US market and was looking to expand their exposure in China. They provide the best in class design and manufacturing solutions, proudly serving industry leaders in the consumer electronic and electric automotive markets. With limited internal marketing resources, we helped them tackle the Chinese market.

Using our inbound marketing insights, we teamed up to develop a localized content strategy. We introduced the inbound methodology to their business and were able to automate their sales and marketing process. By doing so, we were able to drive lead generation and further build on their expansion into China.

Virtue Media Case Studies - GM Nameplate

The Highlights

  • Designed & Developed both Chinese and English Website on Hubspot
  • Incorporated Inbound Strategy to Generate 40x leads from Social Platforms
  • Created Chatbot Design and Implementation with Automated Flow
  • Implemented Landing Pages for Lead Generation


How we do it 

design element
Design & User Experience
design element
HubSpot CMS Development
design element
Lead Generation
design element
Training & Workshop
design element
Design & User Experience
design element
HubSpot CMS Development
design element
Lead Generation
design element
Training & Workshop

Set up seamless workflows and efficient lead nurturing

We started with the Hubspot onboard service for GMN, covering COS, CRM, Marketing, and Sales. We streamlined their sales and marketing process by utilizing the one centralized hub for the internal processes.

By designing chatbots, and marketing automation workflows, we powered their marketing funnel. As a result, all the enquiries were seamless and integrated into their sales pipeline.


Virtue Media Case Studies - GM Nameplate


Creating content that counts and converts

Who was GMN’s ideal customer and what was their decision process? Our goal was to create content that was useful to their target personas, addressing their needs in every stage of the buyer's journey. We published content across all different forms of social media channels, blog posts, and marketing emails. We customized our content to fit each platform’s tone and style, while ensuring our brand messaging was consistent and clear.

Virtue Media Case Studies - GM Nameplate 
As digital partners, we are committed to each brand’s long term goals are constantly striving to reach new heights together.
Virtue Media Case Studies - GM Nameplate


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